Hand craftsmanship ensures a custom fit that is perfect for you. Don't settle for the one size fits all solution that comes on most bikes; get your seat!
I care about how my seats work, how they are built and how they look because I get it. "I RIDE TOO." From a scooter to a Goldwing Trike, the seat will work for you.
"Guy took the uncomfortable seat on my Honda Rebel and transformed it into a much more supportive and comfortable one. His work has completely changed the quality of my ride. Thanks again Guy!"
Andrea Capper
"Guy reupholstered and gelled my Goldwing seat and does excellent work."
"Would recommend him to anyone who requires reupholstering done!"
R Friesen
"[....] The workmanship is beautiful - from the outside you can't tell that he changed anything, but my first two hour ride was the most comfortable I have been on my bike since I bought it. [...]"